The Nature of the New Era Depends on Us

By Victor (Vyasa) Landa, 2009


Of the many interpretations [of prophecies related to 2012] we group them in two categories:  One says that it is the beginning of what some would call Armageddon, which means the beginning of the end of the planet and of humanity as  we know it, moving to a total destruction. 

The other also considers it a new beginning, but looks at it from a brighter point [of view], saying that we have already been living Armageddon and that this is a turning point where some purification will be necessary (in the sense of heavy turmoil) but then the future – if we respond in a positive way – will restore the values corresponding to true humanity, that is, being in the process of moving towards reclaiming their Divine Nature: with love, respect, and all the divine qualities infusing ourselves, our relationships, business interactions and so on, as well as a unification of all beings with nature, replacing the current attitudes of competition and domination of nature.

We have chosen to embrace the second option and would like to invite all of you to share this choice with us and be happily waiting and ready for it. The food crisis is the first signal of what the [spiritual world] is offering to us – an opportunity that could change the mentality of the whole world for the better . . .

It is calling the attention to what should be one of our first concerns, nurturing our bodies, as is declared in the Essene Gospel of Peace.  Our bodies are the vehicle for this incarnation, and we need to use it and care for it properly for the journey ……. we must embrace the notion that we all share the responsibility for each one of our brothers and sisters.  That is one of the main issues that will make this a new era.

How this comes about will be determined by our choices, whether peaceful – with self-sacrifice, self-restraint, and a loving disposition, or with resistance, self-centeredness, attachment to our possessions, status, and comfort, worry about our own well-being, etc. 

We know that every change brings along challenges (opportunities) and these are very special times.  We must be ready.  What is expected from us by the spiritual world will unfold a piece at a time – our resolve is the determining factor.  We are preparing ourselves to offer the assistance needed by our brothers and sisters…and [have] renewed our commitment to join forces with all those ready to put their shoulder to  carrying the weight of the coming challenges.